Monday, April 26, 2010

Colorful Anchor & Skull Design Tattoo

Brightly colored yellow anchor with diamond, a ruffled pattern, rays and skull in profile. Nice.

Dude w/ Pair of Anchors on Arms Tattoo

Simple pair of matching anchors in black ink. Kinda a Popeye placement on the forearms.

Girl with Anchor on Upper Arm Tattoo

Winds, Clouds, Waves and an Anchor. Thanks for showing us your nice arm tat.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

female tatto,japanese drago tatto


Tiger Tattoo

Tiger Tattoo
Why get a tiger tattoo? There are as many answers to that question as there are designs available. But, one of the most important is the symbolism behind these beast. In most Asian countries, the tiger is thought to be the "King of Beasts," and is seen as a symbol of pure and raw power. Tiger tattoos often present an illustrated version of these symbolic meanings. Many tiger tattoos are done in a realistic fashion, meaning they often look as though they have been drawn whilst watching the animal live and in its natural habitat. Other designs, though, appear in a woodblock mode. These tigers are highly stylized; their shapes are long and fluidic. They may also appear in several different stances; on the prowl, lounging in the sun, and they may even occasionally be shown in a more languid manner, such as sitting under a tree while licking a large paw clean. Tiger tattoos can depict the beast in nature. Not only can you create a portrait of a tiger in the wild, you can utilize the unique markings to combine it into its setting. One idea is to borrow from the flowing woodblock style and show the lines of the tiger as branches from a dark, or even burnt tree. You may also show the tiger melding in with the darkness of the night sky or brightness of a hot sun. The tiger tattoo in the picture is a beautiful representation of a naturalistic done tiger.
Tiger Tattoo
The tiger tattoo holds a very high position in Asian symbolism. Most often it is considered to show the aggressive or destructive force that is within each person. It holds equal status, in influence at least, to the dragon. Whereas dragon tattoos represent the higher sense of self and the attainment of good, tiger tattoos represent the dark forces that can be found within each person. The appearance of a dragon tattoo and tiger tattoo together can hold different meanings, depending on the position of the two symbols. If the dragon and the tiger tattoos are at an equal level, this often symbolizes balance and harmony. If the tiger tattoo is shown overpowering the dragon, this often means the triumph of self-interest and aggression. However, if the dragon tattoo is shown beating the tiger, this would signify a triumph against dark forces. Tiger tattoos are rich in meaning and symbolism even on their own. Where African and western regions hold the lion as the king of the animals, the tiger occupies the throne in Asia. This gives tiger tattoos the interpretation of power. After all, the tiger tattoo is a very symbolic design that features a very powerful and dramatic animal.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Zodiac Tattoos

Zodiac tattoo designs are quickly catching up with lot of people. Several people are proud of their zodiac sign and would love to flaunt it. Though there is more to getting a zodiac tattoo than going to the tattoo artist, telling him your zodiac sign and he tattoos it on your skin. Well there is definitely more to it if you want to make it a masterpiece.

Firstly when where is talk about zodiac signs, it is assumed that reference is to sun signs commonly used in the west. But zodiac signs are also local to several cultures in the east. For example India and China have their set of zodiac signs. Both these culture also use 12 signs and the exact sign is determined by the date of birth of the individual. But these are based on complex lunar calendars.
Zodiac Tattoos
Chinese zodiac signs consist of 12 animals. But the signs are designed in a very creative manner. Chinese zodiac sign is determined by the year of birth of the individual according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Each Chinese calendar is represented by a particular sign. Indian zodiac signs also consist of 12 signs but these signs have different names and designs than those used in the west. To determine the Indian zodiac sign it is important to know the exact time of birth as this system is based on the movements of the moon across the celestial.

Once you have decided upon the zodiac design you will be get tattooed, you can go the easy way and just do a Google search on it and get hundreds of generic designs and use one of them. The disadvantage of this approach is that your tattoo will be really commonplace and no-one will even care to give it a second look. For example if you want to get a tattoo of Libra, you can just take a design showing two unbalanced scales and you are done. If all you want is to get some dime-a-dozen tattoo this should do, but if you want to get a special tattoo which will be gawked at, wherever you go, you will need to do more work on your zodiac design.
Zodiac Tattoos
Zodiac designs can be easily customized with some out of the box thinking. For example each zodiac sign is associated with a particular gem, so your design can be combined with a design of a gem, moreover each sign is associated with particular colors, so you can color tattoo based on that. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a particular earth element like fire, water, air, etc. You can use your imagination to combine your specific element with your zodiac sign to create a unique design.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lower Back Butterfly Tatoo

Lower Back Butterfly Tatoo

Lower Back Tattoos Flowers Tattoo

Lower Back Tattoos Flowers Tattoo

Female Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs Especially Japanese Cherry Blossom Foot Tattoo

Sexy Model Sleeves Tattoos

Cherry blossom tattoos designs for lower back tattoo

Wings tattoo for girls

Sun Tattoos

Sun Tattoos
When it comes to sun tattoos it is somewhat obvious why these tattoos are popular. After all the sun is universally known as a giver of life and that alone gives way to many meanings that can be attached to sun tattoos. Sun tattoos can be drawn in a great variety of styles and to be honest, even though I have seen thousands of sun tattoos, this is the first time I have seen one with an eagle in the center of it and I cannot be sure what the meaning behind that is.

Perhaps having the eagle in the center of the sun has something to do with adding some power and grace of movement to the already known meanings of the sun. Such as saying that the sun is a powerful giver of life. There’s no way to be sure without talking to the person who did it or who has it. But I have to admit that I do like this tattoo. It is very well done and the silhouette of the clutching eagle in its center is very intriguing indeed. While this tattoo is a bit tribal in appearance I am not at all certain that is what it is meant to be.

Sun Tattoos
The sun tattoo is reflection of the Sun’s profound symbolic nature in most cultures around the world. The sun was worshipped as a personified, life-giving deity in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and almost every other major civilizations of history. The most common symbol of the sun is a circle with the sun’s rays emanating from the perimeter. A dot or point in the center of a circle symbolizes the blending of male and female forces. The sun is usually seen as a masculine symbol and the moon and the earth as feminine symbols, hence you will often the Sun symbolically paired with the Moon or the Earth. For many millennia the Sun was believed to be at the center of the Universe, around which all other heavenly bodies radiated. The Sun was a symbol of both royal and divine powers, adopted by both secular and religious authorities. As a tattoo design and symbol, a Sun represents fertility, vitality, passion, courage and eternally renewed youth, light and knowledge. The Sun tattoo is such a pervasive symbol that many other tattoo symbols have a direct relation to it. The Sun was represented by the following; an Eagle, an Eagle with a Serpent, a Dragon, a falcon , phoenix, swan, lion, ram and bull.